2024 ADMA International Conference 
Guest Delegate Program

The Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association (ADMA) offers a Guest Delegate Program for general aviation distributors and manufactures interested in learning more about ADMA and potentially joining the organization. To participate, a guest delegate must be sponsored by an active ADMA board member company and meet certain criteria, including filling out an application and adhering to the program's requirements.

Key points of the program include:

1. Sponsorship and Criteria: A guest delegate must have an active ADMA member company as a sponsor and meet the criteria for either a manufacturer or distributor within ADMA's guidelines. 

2. Application Process: The guest delegate is required to complete an application form, which is then forwarded to ADMA’s management office by the sponsoring member. This process ensures the guest delegate receives an invitation and can register for the meeting. 

3. Limited Availability: The program is capped at a maximum of five participants per ADMA meeting, although this limit can be adjusted by the Board of Directors. 

4. Accommodation: Guest delegates must book their rooms within the ADMA hotel block for the duration of the meeting. 

5. Scheduling Meetings: A guest delegate can schedule up to four meetings with ADMA member companies, provided they have an existing relationship with the member company. These meetings are scheduled after all other ADMA member meetings have been arranged.

6. Sponsor's Role: The sponsoring board member assists in scheduling the guest delegate's meetings and is responsible for informing the ADMA companies of the delegate's prospective membership status and the ADMA meeting protocols.

7. Event Participation: Guest delegates are permitted to attend the "FIRST TIMERS" reception and are offered guidance and support by their ADMA sponsor throughout the meeting.

8. Membership Option: Following the meeting, guest delegates have the option to join ADMA. If they do so within 30 days of the meeting's end, they can deduct the registration fee from their first annual dues payment.

9. Future Eligibility: If a guest delegate does not join ADMA after attending the meeting, they are not eligible to attend future ADMA meetings without becoming a member.

The ADMA Guest Delegate Program offers prospective members a great opportunity to engage with ADMA and its member companies, with the potential to lead to full membership. The program is designed to be informative and supportive, with the goal of integrating new members into the organization.

Should you have any questions, please contact our office at [email protected].

Guest Delegate Application